
surf's up!

C64 crash-Oh NO!

Hey! Hi!
So you found to this page,too, huh?
It is on the 'How' I did these pages in case you're interested in the html, style sheets and Java scripting/ -applets used.
It is also a little bit to pat me on my own shoulders. :-)
I'm (was) a complete beginner in html and all related areas before building this site, but I always wanted to learn it and kick some butt! (''No comprende html!?'')
About what programs I used and what tutorial, please look to my freeware-page.

I can say that the '<br>'- tag has become my favorite... it makes it easy to make divisions of chosen width without tables or invisible gifs... :) though I did use those, too.

The Intro-page was supposed to be readable by ANY old grafics-browser, so I had to confine to a html-table.
Also the head of my pages is always a table.
The starting window is a simple frameset.
The music and videos were streamed with MediaTools by Micros... (--> freeware-page).
Playing music and videos is simple html-code, but you can of course also use style-sheets.
Java script was used for the timing, for the mouseover-effects, the password-protection and for most of the stuff on the ICQ-page
(most of which I simply took over from the ICQ-homepage).
Java Script is not so scaring at all...
There is only one Java-applet on the page: the "windwave"-picture in the right frame.
I wanted to use a quoter-applet, too, but preparing the quotes for it to work was criminal,
so I decided to put the whole quotes in a textarea-tag. One thing to Netscape:
nobody tells you and it cost me hours, but the 'textarea'-tag works with Netscape only if
you put the whole thing inside 'form'-tags! (Criminy!)
The additional advantage of a textarea is that it is simple (...) html, that people can decide
how much they want to read and you don`t have to wait for the darn applet to load and compile!
There are quite a few handy scripts and applets out there on the web for the taking. I can`t code Java ((yet...)).
Feel free to take any grafics you like or code you need, I don't mind. Please do not take whole pages from me though, ok?
That`s it, basically, and it took me almost two weeks to create. I did most of the grafics myself.
And I can only recommend to anyone: sell your old grey PC, buy a nice laptop! :) I am really mucho happy with it, sitting on the couch with it, taking all my data with me, surfing from basically anywhere... and a good display, too. Good for the eyes.

Well! See you again, huh? I hope you're having fun on my homepage.

Thorsten Speil
